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Web of Science ResearcherID: G-2103-2010

59. Brown, G. R., Cross, C. P and Laland, K. N. 2022. Evolutionary approaches to human behaviour. In: The Behaviour of Animals, 2nd Edition. Eds. J. Bolhuis, L.-A. Giraldeau and J. A. Hogan. Wiley Blackwell. Pp. 456-488.

60. Hodgson, A., Richmond, C., Tello, J. and Brown, G. R. 2020. Suppression of ovarian hormones in adolescent rats has no effect on anxiety-like behaviour or c-fos activation in the amygdala. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 32: e12897.

59. Emmerson, M. G., Spencer, K. A. and Brown, G. R. 2020. Social experience during adolescence in female rats increases 50kHz ultrasonic vocalisations in adulthood, without affecting anxiety-like behaviour. Developmental Psychobiology 62: 212-223.

58. Street, S. E., Morgan, T. J. H., Thornton, A., Brown, G. R., Laland, K. N. and Cross, C. P. 2018. Human mate-choice copying is domain-general social learning. Scientific Reports 8: 1715.

57. Brand, C. O., Brown, G. R. and Cross, C. P. 2018. Sex differences in the use of social information emerge under conditions of risk. PeerJ 6: e4190.

56. Brown, G. R. 2017. The dangerous battles over sex and gender: review of ‘Testosterone Rex’ by Cordelia Fine. Trends in Ecology and Evolution online

55. Cross, C. P., Brown, G. R., Morgan, T. H. and Laland, K. N. 2017. Sex differences in confidence influence patterns of conformity. British Journal of Psychology 108: 655-667.

54. Brown, G. R. and Cross, C. P. 2017. Evolutionary approaches to human psychology. In: APA Handbook of Comparative Psychology. Ed. I. Pepperberg and J. Call. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press. Pp. 299-313.

53. Brown, G. R., Martin, S., Taggart, P. and Healy, S. 2016. Sex differences in performance on a cognitive bias task in Norway rats. Behavioural Processes 133: 52-55.

52. Börner, A., Hjemdahl, R., Götz, T. and Brown, G. R. 2016. Ultrasonic vocalisations by female Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) in response to social partners. Journal of Comparative Psychology 130: 76-80.

51. Street, S., Cross, C. P. and Brown, G. R. 2016. Exaggerated sexual swellings in female non-human primates are reliable signals of female fertility and body condition. Animal Behaviour 112: 203–212.

50. Brown, G. R. and Cross, C. P. 2016. Cognitive evolution. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology. Ed. H. L. Miller. SAGE Publications, Inc.; Thousand Oaks, California; pp. 147-148.

49. Brown, G. R., Kulbarsh, K. D., Spencer, K. A. and Duval, C. 2015. Peri-pubertal exposure to testicular hormones organizes response to novel environments and social behavior in adult male rats. Hormones & Behavior 73: 135-141.

48. Brown, G. R., Cross, C. P., Street, S. E. and Brand, C. O. 2014. Beyond ‘evolutionary versus social’: moving the cycle shift debate forwardEmotion Review 6: 250-251.

47. Gluck, R., Lynn, D. A., Dritschel, B. and Brown, G. R. 2014. Sex differences in interpretation bias in adolescents. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 32: 116-122.

46. Brown, G. R. and Richerson, P. 2014. Applying evolutionary theory to human behaviour: past differences and current debates. Journal of Bioeconomics 16: 105-128.

45. Brown, G. R. 2013. The serious business of play: review of ‘Play, Playfulness, Creativity and Innovation’ by P. Bateson and P. Martin. Science 342: 694.

44. Brown, G. R., Laland, K. N and Borgerhoff Mulder, M. 2013. Erratum to ‘Bateman’s principals and human sex roles’. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28: 622.

43. Cross, C., Cyrenne, D. A. and Brown, G. R. 2013. Sex differences in sensation-seeking: a meta-analysis. Scientific Reports 3 doi:10.1038/srep02486.

42. Brown, G. R. and Spencer, K. A. 2013. Steroid hormones, stress and the adolescent brain: a comparative perspective. Neuroscience 249: 115-128.

41. Brown, G. R. 2013. Why mechanisms shouldn’t be ignored: commentary on ‘Human behavioural ecology: current research and future prospects’. Behavioral Ecology 24: 1041-1042.

40. Laland, K. N. and Brown, G. R. 2011. Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour, Second Edition. Oxford University Press.

39. Bolhuis, J. J., Brown, G. R., Richardson, R. C. & Laland, K. N. 2011. Darwin in mind: new opportunities for evolutionary psychology. PLoS Biology 9: e1001109.

38. Brown, G. R., Dickins, T., Sear, R. & Laland, K. N. 2011. Evolutionary accounts of human behavioural diversity: issues and integration. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 366: 313-324.

37. Cyrenne, D. A. and Brown, G. R. 2011. Effects of suppressing gonadal hormones on response to novel objects in adolescent rats. Hormones and Behavior 60: 625-631.

36. Cyrenne, D. M. and Brown, G. R. 2011. Ontogeny of sex differences in response to novel objects from adolescence to adulthood. Developmental Psychobiology 53: 670-676.

35. Laland, K. N. and Brown, G. R. 2011. The future of evolutionary psychology. In: Evolutionary Psychology: a Critical Introduction. Ed. V. Swami. Wiley-Blackwell.

34. Laland, K. N. and Brown, G. R. 2011. Niche construction and human behavioural ecology: tools for understanding work. In: Work Meets Life: Exploring the Integrative Study of Work in Living Systems. Eds. Levin, R., Laughlin, S., De La Rocha, C. and Blackwell, A. MIT Press. Pp. 113-131.

33. Lynn, D. A. and Brown, G. R. 2010. The ontogeny of anxiety-like behaviour in rats from adolescence to adulthood. Developmental Psychobiology 52: 731-739.

32. Lynn, D. A. and Brown, G. R. 2009. The ontogeny of exploratory behaviour in male and female adolescent rats (Rattus norvegicus). Developmental Psychobiology 51: 513-520.

31. Brown, G. R., Laland, K. N. & Borgerhoff Mulder, M. 2009. Bateman’s principles and human sex roles. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24: 297-304.

30. Brown, G. R. 2009. Caring cooperators: review of ‘Mothers and Others: the Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding’ by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy. Science 324: 1646-1647.

29. Brown, G. R. 2009. Evolutionary perspectives on sexual coercion in human beings and other primates: the future of the rape debate. A review of ‘Sexual Coercion in Primates and Humans: an Evolutionary Perspective on Male Aggression Against Females’, ed. M. N. Muller and R. W. Wrangham. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 7: 347-350.

28. Rapaport, L. M and Brown, G. R. 2008. Social influences on foraging behaviour in young non-human primates: learning what, where, and how to eat. Evolutionary Anthropology 17: 189-201.

27. Hoppitt, W. J. E., Brown G. R., Kendal, R., Rendell, L. E., Thornton, A., Webster, M. M. and Laland, K. N. 2008. Lessons from animal teaching. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23: 486-493.

26. Silk, J. B. and Brown, G. R. 2008. Local resource competition and local resource enhancement shape primate birth sex ratios. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275: 1761-1765.

25. Brown, G. R. and Nemes, C. 2008. The exploratory behaviour of rats in the hole-board task: is head-dipping a valid measure of neophilia? Behavioral Processes 78: 442-448.

24. Laland, K. N. and Brown, G. R. 2008. Commentary on ‘The chimpanzee has no clothes’ by Sayers and Lovejoy. Current Anthropology 49: 101-102.

23. Laland, K. N., Kendal, J. R. and Brown, G. R. 2007. The niche construction perspective: implications for evolution and human behaviour. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 5: 51-66.

22. Laland, K. N. and Brown, G. R. 2006. Niche construction, human behaviour and the adaptive-lag hypothesis. Evolutionary Anthropology 15: 95-104.

21. Almond, R. E. A., Brown, G. R. and Keverne, E.B. 2006. Suppression of prolactin does not reduce infant care by parentally experienced male common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Hormones and Behavior 49: 673-680.

20. Brown, G. R. 2006. Sometimes an orgasm is just an orgasm. Review symposium with author’s response on Elisabeth A. Lloyd’s ‘The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution’. Metascience 15: 405-411.

19. Brown, G. R. 2006. Culture, genes and human evolution: a long-awaited account: review of Peter Richerson and Robert Boyd’s ‘Not By Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution. Ethology 112: 1038-1039.

18. Laland K. N. and Brown G. R. 2006. An introduction to evolutionary models of human social behaviour. In: Social Information Transmission and Human Biology. Eds J.C.K. Wells, S. Strickland and K. Laland. Taylor and Francis. Pp. 19-37.

17. Silk, J. B., Willoughby, E. and Brown, G. R. 2005. Maternal rank and local resource competition do not predict birth sex ratios in wild baboons. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B 272: 859-864.

16. Brown, G. R., Almond, R. E. A. and Bates, N. J. 2005. Adult-infant food transfer in common marmosets: an experimental study. American Journal of Primatology 65: 301-312.

15. Brown, G. R. and Fawcett, T. W. 2005. Sexual selection: copycat mating in birds. Current Biology 15: R626-R628.

14. Brown, G. R., Almond, R. E. A. and van Bergen, Y. 2004. Begging, stealing and offering: food transfer in nonhuman primates. Advances in the Study of Behaviour 34: 265-295.

13. Brown, G. R. 2004. Tolerated scrounging in nonhuman primates: commentary on ‘To give and to give not: the behavioral ecology of human food transfers’ by M. Gurven. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27: 562-563.

12. Silk, J. B. and Brown, G. R. 2004. Sex ratios in primate groups. Sexual Selection in Primates: New and Comparative Perspectives. Ed. P. Kappeler. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 253-265.

11. Laland, K. N. and Brown, G. R. 2003. Commentary on ‘Genes and culture: what creates our behavioral phenome’ by P. Ehrlich and M. Feldman. Current Anthropology 44: 100.

10. Laland, K. N. and Brown, G. R. 2002. Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour. Oxford University Press.

9. Brown, G. R. and Silk, J. B. 2002. Reconsidering the null hypothesis: Is maternal rank associated with birth sex ratios in primate groups? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99: 11252-11255.

8. Brown, G. R. 2001. Sex-biased investment in non-human primates: can Trivers and Willard’s theory be tested? Animal Behaviour 61: 683-694.

7. Brown, G. R. 2001. Using proximity measures to describe mother-infant relationships. Folia Primatologica 72: 80-84.

6. Brown, G. R. 2000. Can studying non-human primates inform us about human rape? A zoologist’s perspective. Psychology, Evolution and Gender 2: 321-324.

5. Brown, G. R. & Dixson, A. F. 2000. The development of behavioural sex differences in infant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Primates 41: 65-79.

4. Brown, G. R. and Dixson, A.F. 1999. Investigation of the role of postnatal testosterone in the expression of sex differences in behavior in infant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Hormones and Behaviour 35: 186-194.

3. Brown, G. R., Nevison, C. M., Fraser, H. M. and Dixson, A. F. 1999. Manipulation of postnatal testosterone affects phallic and clitoral development in infant rhesus monkeys. International Journal of Andrology 22: 119-128.

2. Dixson, A. F., Brown, G. R. & Nevison, C. M. 1998. Developmental significance of the postnatal testosterone ‘surge’ in male primates. In: Males, Females, and Behavior: Towards Biological Understanding. Ed. L. Ellis and L. Ebertz. Praeger. Pp. 129-145.

1. Nevison, C. M., Brown, G. R. & Dixson, A. F. 1997. Effects of altering testosterone in early infancy on social behaviour in captive yearling rhesus macaques. Physiology and Behavior 62: 1397-1403.